Interview Hugh Jackman Our site PopcornNews


But first of all, we share your impressions about the Australian beauties. It creates the feeling that Hugh Jackman is someone's ideal business plan that is supported by the competent PR company: it is beautiful, well-groomed, wit, a beautiful family man. Not a single compromising photo for many more years, no scandals. His life is a wife, children and shooting in really high-quality projects. In this regard, there are inevitable folk love.

Well, we understand and approve.

But when you sit with Mr. Jackman at the distance of an elongated hand, then you understand that the rod of this person is not an appearance, but still a wonderful sense of humor and incredible professionalism. For repeating questions, he manages to answer differently, interesting and brightly.

Even about Moscow, the actor tells very emotionally, although this is his first visit:

Moscow is a stunning, huge city. Probably like all Australia. It seems that we have been here for a week - so much have managed to see. One of my old friend advised to descend to the subway. I did not expect that we would see such beauty as in the museum. Children tried fast food. Ava bought himself a sausage in the dough, and Oscar .. I don't even know how to describe it: the dough, and inside the meat (from the hall suggest). Belyash? Belyash! Another son bought a nest of a memory, and the daughter was presented with Cheburashka.

About music

I love rock and roll, Rolling Stones, The Police. I listen to music only when I feel good. Somehow it is strange simple - to be sad to the music. Immediately I remember one case from my youth. I was then pretty beauty by name Penny. That's then I listened to some sad songs. It was sad at the bus stop, and she even somehow saw me there. True, since then no one has thrown me.

About Robotobok

I am for a real sport, where living people are fighting. He is more emotional. But you understand, if we talk about "live steel", the film is removed for a family audience, so there are robots. But agree, the main thing in sports is our emotions. I heard how in the cinema people were hurting for our robot, which means we are on the right track. I will be happy if our movie will attract people to sports.

About Twitter

Yes, @ REALHUGHJACKMAN is me. I write myself. I am very glad that you read me in Russia. It is really very nice.

Recall that the film with Hugh Jackman "Live Steel" goes to the Russian rental on October 6. Boxing between alive fighters gradually goes to the background - the viewer requires more cruelty and robots come to the arena. Now the fight can last to the last screw. Former Boxer Charlie is trying to make money on underground battles, but one day an eleven-year-old boy appears in his life - his son who does not take stubbornness. These two learn to understand each other, in parallel moving to the top of Robotobok with their ward robot.

Julia Boytsova

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