Ann Hathaway about diet and marriage


"I am a vegetarian and right now I live on the cabbage. Women's Cat Suit Note, Guy

A 28-year-old actress, which is specifically for the role began to engage in Bikram Yoga, says that she now likes to train, whereas earlier it was difficult for her to force himself to do exercises, because they brought her pain.

Also, the actress admitted that it was ready to marry after visited her girlfriend's wedding.

"I am open to marriage, in fact. - says Ann. "I recently had the opportunity to look at it on all sides and make sure that it was not so terrible. Just two days ago I was at the wedding of my best friend, and I looked at this man I love, like sister, and who changed my life and continues to change her for the better, which is so close to me as a family member; I looked at how she marries a man who loves and how much happiness she brings it. Then I thought that the weddings are very important because it is a holiday of life and opportunity. And after that, I saw a smile on the face of Adam, because I was very negative about marriage and said: "And the marriage really oppresses" or "This is just an exchange of property." There was no romance at all in relation to marriage, so I think he is glad that I experienced it. "

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