Eva Mendez about his beloved food and training


"I pay attention to everything," says Mendez. - What I eat, how do you feed my body, how much water I drink .. I do not eat meat, but with a lot of fish and brown rice. I also love bread very much. People are always surprised when I eat bread in the restaurant! Although, mainly it is from an uneasy flour. If you have doubts, then take the dark food. So, I decided to stay away from pasta, white rice and white bread, and everything became easy for me. "

About Eva's workouts said that she regularly visits the gym, and often engaged in yoga. "I go to the gym three or four times a week and make exercises with a light weight and a small number of repetitions, in addition to this, several cardio-exercises, such as sprint and interval jogging. Cardiography I pay at least 35 minutes, but during this time you can achieve a lot if you do everything with the mind. After that, I do about an hour doing exercises with burdens. Twice a week I do yoga. Mostly it is Ashtang, but my installer creates specialized programs for me, which are focused on what I need. So, if my muscles are tense after running, then we perform poses that are relaxing them. "

Eva also told that she likes most of all in her figure: "I like my hands. I am grateful to my dad for long hands, like a monkey, though, fortunately, I have not so hairy like him. "

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