Interview Dzhareda Summer Brazilian Magazine magazine


In all of his show, he asks the audience about donations for countries affected by natural disasters, such as Japan and Haiti. The same forced him to release a book with photos of Haiti, all the means from the sale of which will go to the aid of this country.

"I spent a lot of time on Haiti, when I was a child, so after the Earth-Station, I returned there and did a lot of photos. Now I finish work on the book, complementing the photo with my impressions about this journey. I believe that the best in popularity - It is an opportunity to inspire people to spend their time, energy and money to help others. "

The musician has almost Buddhist views on life. Not so long ago, the soloist of the group "Dillinger Escape Plan" called him an idiot and a poser in his blog on Twitter, to which Jared just shrugs: "Negative - a waste of time. I prefer to use my energy for something good. In the world and So sufficiently bad. Our life is too short to think only about yourself. "

Taking advantage of the Jared Council, go to more pleasant topics, because it is the soloist of the popular group and, ofly, the actor attracts women's attention: "No! Girls love our show because of music, they sing together with us. But the truth is that I love Brazilian girls. They are sexy in the world, well, I am free ... "

Jared says Shannon and Tomo discouraged him from playing a concert in Rio, but he insisted on his own, because he wanted to feel "the heat" of the inhabitants of this city: "They convinced me that Sao Paulo is more suitable for rock "Concert, but I said that they are wrong. I was in Rio three times and I am sure that its inhabitants are beautiful people," said vocalist, who loving stroll through the streets of the city early in the morning.

Recently, Jared is not completely removed in the movies. He voluntarily abandoned the large screen: "The Group's affairs are just wonderful, and it takes most of my time. By the end of the year we will be in a tour, - he comments on, emphasizing that he was not afraid to leave her career actor for a while. - Life is given To us to follow our dreams, and we should not restrain our desires. "

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