Interview Dzhareda Summer on Papermag


When we asked the summer why he wanted to show it on the big screen, he explained:

"These days we look and study clips of very poor quality and a small permission, and I thought it would be funny to see all this on the big screen."

Jared also responded to a few questions regarding Hurricane and not only.

What is your favorite phrase from Hurricane?

"There's A Fire Inside, Of this Heart, A Riot About to Explode Into Flames." (Rus. - In this heart, fire and riot, which is about to break out).

What inspired you for these words?

My girlfriend Erin Weson was a tattoo with a heart and fire. I am very grateful to her.

What three people would you like to invite for dinner?

I'm not going to choose married women. Jesus Christ because I am sure that it would be a very pleasant dinner. Perhaps it would be the same as dining with my mom's friends, hippie, I am sure that there would be a very healthy fragrance. Stephen Hawkin - I have many questions for him - and my mother.

What was the last thing you downloaded?

I recently appeared iPad, so I went crazy with downloads. I usually acquire pro-current films, and the last I bought, called "Blue Gold". He is about corporate control of our water supply. What is very frightened. I just bought Sigur ROS.

It seems that you did not make any day from the time of my so-called life. What is your secret?

Many sleepless nights, tons of tension and food intake, like a fat pig. No, actually I eat a very healthy food. My mother taught me this. She raised me in a society in which there were a lot of vegetative agents. I remember how very little and went to local cooperatives and chose the freshest products with her.

Do you have a favorite restaurant?

Whole Foods is my oasis. Since we are always in a tourist bus, I always cook.

Do you have any reception to keep your voice in good shape?

I won on Leno show a few weeks ago. Before that, I have a hoarse voice, so I bared a whole head of garlic and added a lot of lemon and honey. It helped me for a whole evening, while I don't even like garlic.

Who would you like to play in one movie?

Daniel Day Lewis - I really respect him. I would also prefer to work with Aranof once again.

If you could sing a duet with someone, who would it be?

Actually, I have already spoken Robert Smith (The Cure vocalist) in order to create a project. I am his huge fan and love his voice.

What did you search in Google?

"Modular contrast electron microscopy". This is a study of microscopic elements with high resolution. I spend a little research. I am interested in this for a while. Just submission: 3-D photos of insects and bacteria.

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