Interview Nicole Kidman in the magazine Harper's Bazaar US


Preview from Jennifer Aniston:

"I met Nicole in 2005 on the Golden Globe. We have one agent, but before that we were familiar with superficially. I remember my first impression: "How is she graceful! Such thin, high, what red hair, what extraordinary porcelain leather! While I was with an open mouth greedily looked at her, Nicole absolutely without a deliberate secular holding, began to tell me some of my last comedy, which she managed to see; I introduced me to your parents who stood nearby. Word for the word, so we made friends. We constantly kept the connection and were aware of the changes in the life of each of us, but only Adam Sandler came the idea last year to commercially use our friendship and connect on the big screen as a movie-girlfriends "

Excerpts from an interview with Nicole Kidman:

About whale kite urbane : "I do not forget to think something like:" My God, thank you for sending me this person! I promise to be devoted to him until the end of my days "... After our acquaintance, I prayed that if he was not my only one, I will meet someone like him."

Whatever she wanted to tell himself 20 years: "You will meet the love of all your life. I have all my life, I was completely hoping that it would happen."

On the eternal "dispute" between family life and career : "I like to ask people to have chosen - a big love that lasts a lifetime, or an amazing career. Some people really answer that they would like the breathtaking career more."

About motherhood : "I had children when I was 25 and 27 years old (we are talking about foster children Nicole Kidman and her former husband Tom Cruise Isabelle and Connore). I think now I have more patience, but less physical energy."

On the visits of Connor and Isabella in Nashville : They are not going crazy about Nashville (it is there who lives Nicole now). Now they grow. That is, I mean that now they are already adults. "

About moving to Nashville : "I like to live away. I worked on it. My career was also aimed at not to be tied to Los Angeles. So, accidentally it happened that Keith lives in Tennessee. He showed me this place - Luerles Fork - It is already outside Nashville. I just broke out "aaah!". You know, there are people who dream as children, so here I am one of them. After acquaintance with a guy, I imagined that we marry and make children in The first hour. (laughs). But here everything came out so. "

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