Kristen Stewart admires Taylor Lautner


My body was far from the flab, I just decided to gain a big muscle mass, as Jacob in the second book turns outwardly from a regular guy in almost a pitch. I trained a couple of clock for a couple of months and a lot of carbohydrate food. Now I have no opportunity to give trainers every day, so I try to avoid carbon. That's all."

To which 20-year-old Kristen Stewart added from himself: "Tayya has an amazing body. He had the perfect press with cubes on the set of" Twilight ". Just he was still a 16-year-old teenager and he did not have to do with his belt for karate Swing a lot of biceps to be confident. And Tey simply modests: he smelled in training like Dad Carlo - every day during the first 4 months a few hours to achieve his own. Of course, he could be like most rollers just drink some That magic pills and wait easily as dough on yeast. I Ballery from Tayya, I do not get tired to admire the echoa workolism, his strong spirit, his adult approach to everything. I am not the first year in the movie business: he is a find for directors and producers, since the workaholic And not a stagger. "

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are considered not only colleagues in the twilight saga, but also better friends (as in the books of their characters Bella and Jacob). They constantly "hold together" on the interview, and for the eyes they talk about each other only good. Interesting, is it only friendship? Still, they are both so young, and about her novel with Robert Pattinson more often write that it is just journalists and fans give the desired for valid than what is true.

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