Katy Perry and Russell Brand got married on Saturday


A predator that killed three people over the past two years, apparently did not like noisy and bright festive festivities, so he tried to jump over the fence, followed by only 50 feet guests and newlyweds.

Fortunately, Tiger was a wedding gift for Katie.

The brand spent thousands of dollars to buy Masley, Tigritz, who lives in the RanthambHore National Park, where the couple celebrated the wedding on Saturday.

They say that the comedian chose her out of dozens of predatory cats, since this gift was supposed to reflect his feelings for Katie.

However, Katie, who already has one domestic cat named Kitty Parry, will release Mashley on the will, in the jungle, which she considers her home, and the money that Russell paid for the animal will go to the welfare of the Tiger and the Reserve.

In addition to the tiger, Russell presented Katie also Rubin, who, according to him, possesses "protective forces."

In response to such gifts, Katie decided to give her new Elephant husband to her new husband.

Russell and Katie got married on Saturday at the Indian resort "Aman-I-Khas".

It was a bright and colorful ceremony for which 85 guests were invited.

The bride at first was in Blue Sari, and then changed several times during the day.

Russell was dressed in the National Indian Suit, before he did not put a special wedding skillfully embroidered twig.

The wedding was chic. Numerous Indian Musicians, Dancers, Fire Eaters and Snake Camers entertained the public, and guests were joined and clapped.

Wedding Feast included traditional Indian and vegetarian food. Most of the guests were in Indian national costumes.

The newlyweds also learned their future from a predictor's parrot.

According to eyewitnesses, the bird with the help of pulling cards with the answers foresees a long life, a long marriage and a successful career for the bride and groom.

By the way, today Katie's birthday! Apparently, the coming year at the singer will be very happy and joyful.

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