Angelina Jolie about his operation: "overcoming difficulties, we become stronger"


"I believe in the old wisdom," Jolie said in a recent interview. - What does not kill us makes us stronger. Our experience, good or bad, makes us those who we are. Overcoming difficulties, we become stronger and wiser. "

And although Angelina is now experiencing not the easiest period in his life, she continues to think not only about themselves, but also about others. The star is still worried about the global problems of humanity. "It is important that we do with the information received," the actress explained. - Now we know much more than ever in the history of mankind. All conflicts and injustices that are worked in the world. But the forces to turn these knowledge into active actions at the international level is clearly not enough. Again and again after mass stars and murders, the world declares: "Never more." But, at least one example, now everything is happening in Syria. And humanity, perfectly knowing about everything, leaves these actions with impunity. We need to focus on searching for solutions, and not just on information. "

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