Jennifer Aniston herself threw Brad Pitt


He writes that the original spy spouses should have played Brad Pitt and Nicole Kidman, but there were no chemistry between actors, so I had to abandon this design. Milic also insists that Pitt was already fascinated by Jolie, because immediately after Kidman dropped out of the project, Brad proposed the candidacy of Jolie on the main female role, adding that he would be happy to play exactly with her.

Aniston was submitted for divorce in March 2005, as he was supposed, after sawing photos on which Pitt, Jolie and her son Maddox spend together time in Kenya. But before that, Jennifer had to go through many rumors and wovers before she decided to such a responsible step.

"At first, Jen did not believe that Brad was found with Angelina," says Milchen. "She began to ask everyone, but no one confessed, because everyone treated Brad very well, so she decided to ask him directly. He denyed everything. "

After that, Brad and Jennifer went along with their friends Courtney Coke and David Arquette to the Caribbean Islands to celebrate the New Year, but there were strong tension in their relationship, and Pitt decided to admit. "In the end, he admitted that he was in love with Angelina," said the authors of the book Maur Daran and Joseph Jelman. "Jen was furious and threw it." Brad returned to their home, gathered things and went to the house Milsen in Los Angeles.

"Brad came to shoot on a motorcycle every day, and he put his helmet so that no one would know. He lived with me all the remaining time of filming, "says Milchen.

On January 7, 2005, the couple declared its parting, but after in February Brad joined Jen on her birthday, there were rumors about their truce, however, a trip to Africa, along with Jolie, put a point in this story.

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