Schaya Labafe almost became a victim of rape during his perfusion


During the I am Sorry project, Labafe spent five days in the art gallery. He stored a full silence by day, and everyone could come and look at him. Who would have thought that such an innocent occupation could lead to a scandal? "One woman came along with the boyfriend, and he was left to wait for her outside," Shaia remembered. "She first kided me for 10 minutes, then he began to pull his clothes from me and tried to rape." And then came to his boyfriend with lipstick, smeared all over the face. I guess he was very unpleasant. And all this happened in front of hundreds of people. Yes, bad came out. Not only for me, but for her man. "

"In addition, that day, my girl also stood in line to visit me," Shaya added. - Was Valentine's Day, and I was all the time in the gallery, even slept there in a palfect bag. We did not communicate as many as five days. No connection. She was still upset, and then these rumors who crawled in the crowd. She stood somewhere in 25 people from that woman. When she entered, then, of course, demanded explanations. And I could not even say anything. We so sat silently with this misunderstanding. It was painful. The most difficult moment of the whole show. "

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