Angelina Jolie believes Brad Pitt the most talented, but not the most attractive


The actress believes that Pitt in the event of the years will repair his boyfriend, which until recently allowed him to look much younger than George Clooney or Johnny Depp.

"Jolie said Pitt that he begins to be covered with wrinkles," said an informed source. "And he urgently needs to make something radical with him, so that he seemed to be for Jolie and attractive for agents. To tell the truth, Brad really resembles a pale shadow today. Himself itself. He is in a terrible state, he is trying to close the unsembly beard of double chin, just for the role he could grow up his beard and heeded. At first, Angie tried to show an understanding and did not say anything. But today it seems to her that it came to intervene. Otherwise Can suffer not only his career, but their relationship. "

According to the source, Jolie told his friends that every day Brad finds the brand less sexually attractive. And when Pitt once complained that the sexual desire of Angie became "cooling", the actress posted all her harsh arguments in response. "Pitt loves Jolie and thoughts can not allow to stop being physically attractive for her," the source emphasizes. - "He is afraid of losing and children, and her. He agreed to change."

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