Star "Games of Thrones" Emilia Clark thanked the doctors who saved her life


Emilia Clark wrote a cardiac thanksgiving letter to employees of the hospital who saved her life after the gap of the brain aneurysm in February 2011.

A collection of "100 stories for which you should say thank you" (DEAR NHS: 100 Stories to Say Thank You), many stars shared their stars, including Paul McCartney, Graham Norton, Jamie Oliver, Ed Shiran, Emma Watson and others celebrities. Emilia Clark told in the book about health problems that put her life at risk and fell out for the shooting period in the "Game of Thrones".

These memories are the most expensive for me. They raise awe in me. For a few weeks of treatment, I have never left alone,

- Emilia shared.


So that I survived, the urgent surgery was required, although she did not give any guarantees,

- noted the star. Clark expresses special thanks to the nurse, which was the first to offer actresses to make a brain scan after its receipt to the emergency room.

She saved me life

- Says Emilia. Also, the star thanks and the surgeon, whose "skill, rapid thinking and absolute determination prevented the worst" when she was so close to death. Noted Clark and anesthesiologist, who had fun patient and her family during treatment.


Health problems began with Clark in February 2011 after the completion of the first season of the Games of the Thrones. As a result, the actress moved two operations on the brain. Emilia told that the operations were difficult and not always successful. According to Clark, she had a state when she could not remember his own name and wanted to turn off the device.

When I had an Afasia (speech disorder), my mother carefully looked at me and pretended to understand what I was saying. She forced me to believe it. It was a very important point,

- Shared actress.

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