John Whita has a different name, but Keanu Reeves ripped studio plans


When creating one or another film, there are always some changes that are made directly in the course of the workflow. As one of the scenarios of the Franchisees "John Piq" of Derek Collard told in an interview with the ComicBook portal, initially the first film about John Wich was to be called Scorn (which can be translated as "contempt" or "mock"), but under the influence of Keanu Rivza studio decided to change his The initial plans and carried out the name of the main character in the title. Collapse explained:

The only reason for which the film received its current name is that Keanu constantly said: "John PEC". Our marketers at some point said: "The dude, so far in the advertising campaign has already been invested from four to five million dollars, so this is" John PEC ", and not scorn." I can not now imagine that our franchise is known as Scorn.

John Whita has a different name, but Keanu Reeves ripped studio plans 164980_1

Collapse added that the upcoming fourth film from the series has not yet received the official name. Most likely, the decision on this issue will take the director Chad Stachelski, who before that came up with the title for the third part - "John Piq: Chapter 3 - Parabelum". Initially, the release of "John Whita 4" was scheduled for the next year, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the premiere was shifted for 2022.

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