Good news: For the franchise "John Whitch" plan five films


Each new part of the John Piq militant, headed by Keanu Rivz, gathers in global rental more and more impressive cashier. Now the fourth picture is already being developed, but it is obvious that this does not intend to stop the creators of the franchise. Answering the question about the further prospects of John Whitch, the screenwriter Derek Collapse in an interview with ComicBook said that the release of new films is not an end in itself, because in the first place is the spontaneity of the creative process:

I think you need to pay tribute to Keanu Rivzu and his career, because he is not so often removed in the sequel. In John Wich, he finds something special and important for himself - and not all this can be expressed by words. I do not know how many other parts we will remove, but I think that at the moment our plan is at least four or five.

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The question is whether we will be able to ... "Skip" - not the most suitable word, because it has a negative connotation. Maybe we'll see John Whitch 4 and say: "It turned out a long film. Maybe we're better not to hurry, do not force events and bring the fifth part out of it? " If it happens, then I think that Kian will be very happy. He is very attached to his hero.

From the words of Chollyad, it is obvious that the future of the franchise will largely depend on the desire of the rivza. As for producers and the author's team, they still do not feel that this story has exhausted himself. In addition, the release of Spin-Off has long been planned, the actions of which will turn around the Continental hotel.

The premiere of "John Whitch 4" is scheduled for May 26, 2022.

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