The creators of "John Whita" had to compete for killing a dog


Even those who have never watched this film know about the death of a puppy in the original "John Wich". It is this event that the passing point that forces the past was on peace of ruthless killer performed by Keanu Rivza to take up their arms again, "he can't forgive the villains to kill his pet, thanks to which he could reconcile with the loss of his beloved wife. Interestingly, in the process of developing "John Uir", the producers of the picture seriously doubted that the plot stroke with the killed dog was a good idea. About this in an interview with the ComicBook portal, one of the scholars of the Derek Derek Collapse was told:

I think they did not want to carry stick, and at some point the bosses of the studio said: "Let's remove the dog. Better we just focus on the killer, which decides to return from the resignation. " Something like this.

The creators of

But Kollyad and his comrades in the face of Cad Stachelsky directors and David Litcha were not ready to go to such changes, because they had long thought that it was the murder of a dog should be the starting point of the whole story. In their opinion, the capital character would have lost their individuality without a dog, so Stachelski and Litch fought for inviolability of the original idea. The producers were still hesitable, but when it came to test shows, it became obvious that the truth is true on the side of the directors:

Disagreements, everything was not the end. We approached this issue from different points of view, but then the time of the first trial show came. We followed the reaction of the public. When the dog died and we saw the response of the audience on the siege of the siege of the house, we realized that they were right.

Going out in 2014, "John Weeke" gathered an impressive cashier that prompted the producers to give the green light to the release of Sikvel. At the moment, three pictures have already been within the framework of the franchise, while the premiere of the fourth part is scheduled for May 26, 2022.

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