Faname "Bill and Ted" gave a chance to get to the film


Writer Ed Solomon recently published a post in Twitter in which he announced that each viewer had the opportunity to receive Kameo in the upcoming science fiction comedy "Bill and Ted", which will be a continuation of the two previous films about the incredible adventures of two rockers. Capital roles will again play Alex Winter and Keanu Rivz. Regarding the original contest, in which everyone can take part, Solomon wrote:

Hey, we would like to invite all the fans of Bill and Ted * to take the chance to appear in our new film. Just follow the link and arrange a spread! (* The offer is also designed for those who are not a fan ... But first, you need to see the previous films. If you are already familiar with them, then ahead).

To defeat this competition, each participant must record the drive rock and role video with its own participation, although you can also attract your friends and even pets. In addition, it is not necessary to have real tools to participate, since participants with imaginary guitars and drums are also allowed to participate. Applications are accepted until May 20.


All items are available on the Party On Wit Bill & Ted. It is described there, what needs to be dressed, how many people can be on the video and how exactly the video should be recorded. Finally, the site also posted demotrec, which participants need to be used in their own clips.


Premiere "Bill and Ted" is scheduled for August 2020.

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