Tom Holland broke up with a beloved Olivia Bolton


Star "Man-Spider" Tom Holland and his girlfriend Olivia Bolton broke up. According to The Sun, the couple communicated closely since childhood, and now decided to continue to stay with friends.

The romantic relationship between Tom and Olivia was tied up last summer.

Their families are friends for a long time, but this and Olivia needed many years to realize that they want to be not just friends. Their loved ones and relatives are confident that they are perfectly suitable for each other,

- told insider.

For what reason Bolton and Holland broke up, unknown. But it is reported that they remained in friendship.

They are still very close, but recently decided that it is better for them just friends, not a couple. Everything was very peaceful, they both believe that this is for the better,

- says now a source from the environment of celebrities.

Tom Holland broke up with a beloved Olivia Bolton 165756_1

Before Tom saw with Olivia, he was attributed to the novel with his counterpart Zanday. Holland himself spoke of himself that he looks serious about the relationship.

I am not a frivolous type. This is not my lifestyle,

- stated that.

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Now the actor, like many, sits at home on quarantine and, it seems, does not bored. Recently, he started three chickens to ensure herself with eggs that suddenly become a scarce product in Britain. And also participated in the "impossible" Challenger - put on a t-shirt, standing on his hands.

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