"Tons of Botox": Jennifer Lopez accused the abuse of "injuries of beauty"


In one of the last rollers in Instagram on the Singer page and actress Jennifer Lopez, she shared beauty secrets with his subscribers. The star tried one of his own brand and decided to demonstrate how it works. In a small clip, the actress told that he had just removed from his face a mask with a strong cosmetic effect, and now the audience can see the result. Jennifer itself noticed the effect of inner glow and radiance. According to the artist, she felt that she was raving for a decade.

At this message, some fans responded skeptical. So, one of the fans wrote that it would not notice any facial cuts on the forehead of the singer when she says or trying to express emotions. "You definitely made Botox injections. Ton Botox, "the subscriber suggested. 51-year-old Lopez decided to give an answer to stop such comments. She wrote: "Try to spend time more positively, goodwill and raising the mood to others. Do not waste time trying to insult others. It will help to remain young and beautiful. I send you my love. "

Regarding the use of "enclosures", the artist stated that he never resorted to such radical measures, the more plastic operations did not make plastic operations. Jennifer is obliged to "good genes" with its beauty and daily species. Her mother, who recently noted the 73th anniversary, does not look at her age. Guadeloupe Rodriguez, according to her relatives and fans, "an incredible woman", which is superior to many 20-year-old girls, and activity.

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