Everyone like everyone else: Alex Rodriguez shared festive plans with Jennifer Lopez


Recently, the beloved Jennifer Lopez Alex Rodriguez talked with People magazine and told how his family spends quarantine and as planning to celebrate the winter holidays.

"I think everything will pass more modestly. Kovid changed everything. There will be a good company, family, delicious food, a little wine - it always helps. Simply gather family - it is in principle everything you need, "Alex said.

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Former baseball player and singer began to meet in 2017. Because of the coronavirus, they twice put the wedding. Now they together raise children from past relationships - 12-year-old twins Jennifer Emma and Maximilian and Alexa's daughters - 12-year-old Ella and 16-year-old Natasha.

"We have four children. We always collect them together for the holidays, it is important. We often play chess, monopoly and softball. Family Softball is always very fun, because Jennifer is able to master swearing on rivals, "Rodriguez shared.

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Beloved Jay Lo notes that this year brought stability in their family, because at regular time they travel a lot and for a long time: "The most pleasant thing in the whole situation is something that you can not ride anywhere and stay at home with your family. We have four children, three of them 12, one already turned 16 - this is a very important age, and attend in their lives at this moment - a real gift for me. "

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