Jennifer Lopez noted the release of a new song by dancing with the daughters of Alex Rodriguez's daughters


51-year-old Jennifer Lopez recently celebrated his new single in the morning. The cover for him was created by Merrt Alas and Marcus Piggott, famous for their cooperation with Rihanne and Angelina Jolie. On the snapshot for the cover of Jay Lo appeared quite naked. The presentation for the song was family dancing under a new composition, in which the daughter of the beloved Jennifer Alex Rodriguez participated. On Thanksgiving, the star arranged a virtual party with dancing for her fans, which were the first and heard in The Morning.

Lopez, famous for his love for dancing, gathered in front of the camera of his own twins Emma and Max, as well as daughters of her groom - Alla and Natasha. They flashed incendially under the new track. "I hope everyone will have a wonderful weekend!" - Signed Lopez video in Instagram. In the video, Jennifer sings the words of his song: "If you love me, say it in the morning, not only in the evening when you want me." The words of the song reinforces the image on the cover, which was presented a week before. Other tracks will also sound in the album, the names of which the star has already published on the network: Morning Face, Turkey Egg, New Music.

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