"I love your girls": Boyfriend Jennifer Lopez posted touching photos with her children


The singer and baseball player together raise children from previous relations: 12-year-old twins Jennifer Emma and Maximilian and Alexa's daughters - 12-year-old Ella and 16-year-old Natasha. The other day Rodriguez shared in Instagram series of family photos.

"I love your girls!", He signed a frame with Jennifer and his daughter. Then Alex laid out a snapshot with his beloved and all the children and left a message in honor of Thanksgiving Day. "This year has all the special importance for us, more than previous years. Even when heavier times comes, we must be grateful for what we have. Being grateful for your family, for friends, for people who affect our lives. Happy Thanksgiving and Safe Day! Enjoy the holiday! ", - wrote Boyfriend Jay Lo in microblog.

Jennifer and Alex woke up in March last year. The couple planned to get married in Italy this summer, but because of the situation with Coronavirus, the holiday had to be transferred. According to the source from the environment of celebrities, the ceremony has already been planned and paid. Now Jay Lo and Alex are waiting when everything is over to return to the deferred wedding plans.

Recently, in an interview with Today Show, Jay Lo shared his thoughts about the wedding. "While nothing special is planning. You just need to wait and see how everything turns. Of course, I feel sorry, because we had ambitious plans. But I also think that God has a more ambitious plan, and we just need to wait. Maybe everything will be even better than we thought. I have to believe it, "Jennifer said.

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