"We are trying": Jennifer Lopez learned more about her children on quarantine


In an interview with WSJ magazine, a 51-year-old singer and actress told about the pluses of quarantine. So, she was able to spend more time with her children: 12-year twins Max and Emma. "I really liked to be at home and every evening dinner with my family, which, probably, I have never done before. The children told me what they like in our lives, and what not, "Jennifer shared with the publication and added that the time spent in a family circle was taught a lot.

"It became a discovery for me, made a new look at some things. You think you're all right, but in fact you are always in a hurry somewhere, you disappear at work, while your children go to school. And then we are all sitting in our gadgets. We provide for children a wonderful life, but at the same time they constantly need us. It is necessary to slow down the turnover and spend more time together, "the pop diva was told.

Lopez also admitted that the twins grow much faster than she thought. "We all seemed to be older for a couple of years during a pandemic. I watched my children from young and naive turn into real adults. And when did they just managed? ". In order for the family members to pay more attention to each other, Jennifer limited the use of gadgets: "I allow us to use them only in the morning on weekends, the rest of the time I take them."

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