"Beauty has no shelf life": 51-year-old Jennifer Lopez showed lush forms in a swimsuit


51-year-old Lopez will give odds to many young. Star is not shy to upload photos in bikini in a personal account in Instagram. And she really has something to be proud! As Jennifer itself says: "Beauty has no shelf life!" In his blog, the singer reports that she does not wait to introduce subscribers with the secrets of skin care from the new collection of Jlbeauty.

In a short singer curvature on the background of a wooden wall in a spectacular brown swimsuit with a deep neckline, boldly demonstrates fans the neck area - the most outstanding age part of the female body. The following frames - the singer lies in the water, which emphasizes all the bends of the body of the star and its beautiful bronze tan. Wet, backed back hair and smooth, but at the same time outstanding forms create a deep sensual image filled with energy and sexuality.

The start of sales of the new collection line is scheduled for January 1, 2021. This in the spring, Lopez released its own limited collection of cosmetics created in collaboration with the world brand inglot Cosmetics. Ja Lo is rightfully considered an icon of style and inspires women around the world, being a messenger of natural beauty and magnificent forms. A series of decorative cosmetics embodies the representation of Jennifer about real femininity and sexuality, calling for women to express through makeup.

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