Jennifer Lopez recognized "folk icon 2020" on the People's Choice Awards Awards


Jennifer Lopez - an artist, who admires fans of different ages. Regardless of fashion and trends, its external data has always attracted general attention.

The other day, the 51-year-old star was recognized as a "folk icon 2020". The trophy got an artist on the People's Choice Awards Awards. On the scene, Jennifer rose in a chic red dress, which once again delighted fans. After receiving the award, the star said an emotional speech, remembering the events of the current year.

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So, from the People's Choice Awards scene in Santa Monica, Jennifer said: "2020 is not a joke, right? I mean that until 2020, we were obsessed with winning this award or be nominated for this premium, or we were captured by those who sold the most records, or cash discovery, or crazy things, for example. But not this year. This year was a great equalizer. "

The star noted that it was 2020 who showed that actually matters, but what is not. According to Jennifer, it became obvious that the main thing is human qualities that there are things that are dangerous for everyone, regardless of social status and stars.

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Recall the People's Choice Awards premium took place on November 15 in Santa Monica. Annual American Prize is awarded to pop culture figures following the audience voting. It is on the basis of sociological surveys that Jennifer Lopez recognized the "folk icon."

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