Jennifer Lopez removed a film about his nephew Transgender


Jennifer Lopez removed a film about his nephew Transgender, Brendon Skalle. This is the second child of the singer's senior sister.

Sometime Jay Lo has already mentioned Brandon in his Instagram - users noticed that she, speaking about Brandon, uses the pronoun "they" (they). Also, for example, they call the singer Sam Smith, who stated that he simultaneously feels like a man and a woman.

Lopez laid out the first five minutes of the film in his Instagram and wrote: "Brendon - my Nibling [so called nephews and nieces without designating their sexuality], and here are their story. Draw With Me is a short film about making changes and life challenges with love, about the realization of what is possible. Enjoy the first 5 minutes of this incredible story. "

Brendon was born a girl, but feels a boy. In the eighth grade, he decided to tell the family about it. "I told that I was trance. I'm just tired of lie the family, "says Skoll. But relatives were not ready for Brandon's statement. Feeling rejection from the family, he thought to reduce scores with life. But in the end, the mother of the teenager realized the seriousness of the situation in which her child was, and she took what her daughter wants to live as a man. Then the support of Brendon also had his famous aunt. Now the 19-year-old nephew Ja Lo lives in harmony with him and glad that he does not have to hide anything.

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