"What a beauty": Ivan Okhlobystin showed how his 21-year-old daughter looks like


Full Ivan Okhlobystin shared with fans of rare family photos. One of them is his middle daughter of Varbara. On March 9, the girl celebrated the 21st birthday, and the happy father decided to publicly congratulate her.

"My daughter! I love you more than life!" - Signed a snapshot in InstaGram Okhlobystin.

Subscribers were delighted with a published snapshot and amazed the beauty and femininity of the girl.


Публикация от Преподобный отец Иоанн (@psykero1477)

"Well, what kind of beauty", "very beautiful girl", "beautiful. Happiness and good luck "," Beautiful children are born from love, "" What are your beautiful children. One other paintle, "Papina Copy," - write Folloviers.

In total, Ivan Okhlobystin and his spouses Actress Oksana Watermelon Six children: four girls and two boys. Interestingly, the eldest son of Vasily went in the footsteps of his parents - he studies in Vgika.

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