Jennifer Lopez is not in a hurry with preparation for the wedding (after rumors about treason)


In an interview with ENTERTINMENT TONIGHT, Jennifer Lopez told about how the preparation of the ceremony is promoted: "Everything goes well. I think we have a busy year ahead, so we are moving pretty slow. But hurry and not need. We both belong to marriage as something eternal, and we want to do everything right and slowly. "

Jennifer Lopez is not in a hurry with preparation for the wedding (after rumors about treason) 166252_1

The singer explained that he controls the whole process, from the place of the wedding to the choice of dresses, but she did not always have enough time. "Most of the day I spend at work. But all that concerns common issues, we do together. He knows what I dream of, I know about his desires. We feel that stronger together, "the star added. As you can see, Jennifer and Alex are similar: the athlete admitted that she was preparing for the proposal of the hand and the heart of six months and rehearsed for three days, as it stands before his beloved knee. Recall that after the singer said "yes," Rodriguez accused the systematic treasures of the beloved, but she did not pay attention to rumors.

Jennifer Lopez is not in a hurry with preparation for the wedding (after rumors about treason) 166252_2

Jennifer Lopez is not in a hurry with preparation for the wedding (after rumors about treason) 166252_3

The main thing is that the wedding still took place. Star engagement has repeatedly terminated against the background of work employment, and soon Lopez will have to go to the Music Tour IT's My Party. The singer will give concerts and in Russia: on August 4, she will perform in Moscow, and on August 11 will come to St. Petersburg.

Jennifer Lopez is not in a hurry with preparation for the wedding (after rumors about treason) 166252_4

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