Important Guest: The shopping center was closed for personal shopping Jennifer Lopez


49-year-old Jennifer Lopez on Christmas Eve went to gifts in the most popular shopping center Los Angeles - The Grove. The singer put on a brown leather jumpsuit, which supplemented with ancase on the heel and sunglasses. Together with the boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez, she slowly walked around closed for the rest of the buyers Mail, choosing shoes, candles and other gifts. On the fans in Instagram, photos from eyewitnesses who captured Lopez for the choice of fashionable clothing and cosmetics have already appeared. Other visitors at this time waited at the entrance to Mall.

This is not the first time the singer visits the shopping center one or in the company of other people. Jennifer has already got into the lenses of the cameras with friends and children, but before overlapping The Grove did not have to. Perhaps the fact is that the workload of work allowed Lopez to break out of Christmas shopping at the last minute and forced to use his star status.

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