8 Kinolyapov from the series "Magnificent Century" who do not notice even fans


The story of Sultan Suleiman was loved by millions of viewers worldwide. Her fans are ready to revise the multiserial plot more than once. But they are not always able to detect kinolyaps made by directors. Here is some of them.

8 Kinolyapov from the series

1. This error infuriates historians! According to the chronicles, Hurrem - the main heroine of film studies - began his relationship with Suleiman long before he served as the ruler of the Ottoman Empire. However, in the "magnificent century" the girl falls in love with the first person in the country.

8 Kinolyapov from the series

2. The costumes of the series clearly overpowered. Historians assure that women of those times, adhering to Muslim traditions, did not wear so luxurious clothes. And even more so - dresses with neckline.

8 Kinolyapov from the series
Source: Legion-Media

See how noble parties, men and women are actually dressed up, during the times they tell the series.

8 Kinolyapov from the series

3. And again promach directors and costumes. Some and the same accessories can be seen on different heroes of the series. It is terrible to imagine that it would be if Hurrem and Makhidevran wore the same tiara - their mutual anger would grow up once!

4. Pay attention to the modern tower, which we see behind Ibrahim. 100% kinolar!

8 Kinolyapov from the series

5. In the times of the Ottoman Empire, the food was served in a strict sequence, but in this frame, Sultan carried all dishes at once.

8 Kinolyapov from the series

6. Historians insist that from the moment Suleiman appeared Cherrem, other women no longer existed for him. But in the serial history, the girl is constantly suffering from jealousy and finds for this not one reason.

8 Kinolyapov from the series

7. If you rely on the opinion of historians again, you can find out that by age Isabella, Sultan in my grandmother was suitable. But in the series she, apparently, took the elixir of youth or eaten praying apples.

8 Kinolyapov from the series

8. And the last defects. In real life, Hurrem and Suleiman had more children.

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