Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart can not divide the dog


Rob and Kristen brought PSA together, and each of them values ​​the pet. "Robert was so painful because of Kristen's act, and he decided to pick up the dog. She will help him experience what happened, "the insider told. "Besides, Bear is his best friend and an excellent companion." However, Stewart has always treated the pet as his own child and is not ready to part with him. "She helped Rob to treat Beara from a severe infection, which almost killed him when he was a puppy," the source added. "She wants them to take care of the dog together, and because of this a small conflict may have."

Who will win in this struggle, will tell time. In the meantime, a small consolation for Kristen can be what People magazine denied rumors about her long-term connection with the director Rupert Sanders. Recall that on the day before, the statement of Brother Liberty Ross was leaked, who claimed that the connection of Sanders and Stewart was by no means fleeting. A source of the surroundings of a deceived wife assured that neither Liberty itself nor her relatives with the media communicated: "Words that are attributed to members of the Ross family were completely fabricated."

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