Robert Pattinson in the BlackBook magazine. September 2012


About your bad driving skills : "I found out about it from people cut into me. For the first time, I was told about something about my fame, when I tried to buy a car a few years ago. It was BMW 1989 for a thousand dollars. I took it on a test drive on the hill And I almost crashed. I had to say then that I am an actor. When I returned there, the seller said: "Friend, do you understand that you are number two on IMDB?" And then I realized that I can't ask him to throw out 200 bucks with prices. "

About the Cannes Film Festival: "I just crawl crazy. I was preparing to fight one and a half thousand people. I was so agreed. I just ran everywhere with my sacrificed pants and unleashed with laces, managed not to fall at the same time. Up to this point ... most people are removed 15 years old. In the films that no one saw. And I got into Cannes. "

About his liquid diet : "I'm on a liquid diet now. I needed to be filmed without a T-shirt in a photo shoot, and I asked the nutritionist, with what diet I can drink how much I want. He said that with liquid."

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