Kristen Stewart and Lily Collins are fighting for the title of Best Snow White


Who is white in the light?

For the role in the "Snow White and Hunter", Kristen Stewart had to learn how to fight on swords, ride and master the hand-to-hand fight (all this in heavy iron armor): To stay alive, her snow white had to declare the Queen of the War.

"She was naive and shy. Until I realized that in the war for love, all the means are good! " - Says Lily Collins about the "Snow White and Revenge of Gons", where she had a literal sense to fight for the prince.

Fathers and Sons

Stewart grew up in Los Angeles, two steps from Hollywood, in the family of a TV show's producer on the Fox Channel. It is not surprising that by 18 years she starred in 17 films!

Lily - daughter Musician Phil Collins, owner of seven Grammy and one "Oscar". He divorced Mother Lily, when the girl was five years old. As the daughter assures, Dad has never been particularly interested in her affairs.

Released from Sumeros

Stewart glorified the role in the Twilight, she played his beloved Robert Pattinson, with whom it meets in real life.

The film "Pursuage" presented Collins her first major role. And the first love - the star "Twilight" Taylor Lautner.

Image and similarity

Kristen constantly scold fashionable critics: the skin is too pale, the dress is too short.

Lily loves fashionable designers and dresses on the principle "yesterday on the podium - tomorrow on me."

Direct speech

Kristen: I would not want to be Angelina Jolie. Ok, she is the most talented, beautiful, kind and successful man on the planet. But I would still not want to be a movie star.

Lily: "I used to hate my eyebrows. They seemed huge to me! But now I understand that it is such things that allocate you from the crowd and make beautiful. "

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