Interview Robert Pattinson in USA Today


About the puppy named Bear: "I tried to teach him to go to the toilet on the balcony in the hotel room. But in Vancouver there was a strong wind and his face somehow slammed the door, and I shouted: "noee". In any case, now he has a doors phobia. "

On the filming in the film "Elephants!" Water: "I always wanted to plunge in the 30s in America. That is what I imagine real America. This period is the best time to live in America. Then there were still cowboys, but at the same time there was a huge energy. Then the future was created. "

"We removed the first double, but the lion tearned an artificial hand and did not want to give it away. He did not even think about meat. He just wanted to eat an artificial hand. I was horrified. "

About the role in the film "Vanity Fair": "It was a completely different world. Especially for me. Get the role helped me a case. I hired agent. And a week later I got this work. "

About criticism: "I always watch all these things from the series:" Can he play or not? ". It seems that there is no one better than Edward. What do you think I'm doing then? Therefore, when a new role appears, everyone says: "This is completely different."

On the completion of the filming "Dawn: "It's just full of madness. During the filming, there were such days when you look at all this and think: "How can this be told to the PG-13 rating?" The entire first film is some kind of horror movie. "

He would have starred in a franchise: "Only if my hero would have to say in terms of its development. If nothing breaks, there is nothing to repair. "

On the attention of the media to his relationship with Kristen Stewart: "I try to do everything in my power to avoid this, trying not to do anything and do not talk nonsense in an interview, but it seems it does not matter."

"I just don't like it. This does not apply to my work. I confuse me when people use your life like entertainment. If they do it and read all these magazines, they will never go watch your films. "

About parents: "They always think that I have a constant depression, because I especially and I do not open. Therefore, it seems to them that popularity is the most unhappy experience in the world. They are funny. Whenever I begin to complain about it, they say: "Well, just leave it. What are you talking about if you hate it so much? ".

On social networks: "The only reason I go to Twitter is to find out if anyone will wait for me outside if I'm in a restaurant or somewhere else. Because of this, you feel in some way loser, especially when you are asked: "Hey, do you want to have dinner in this place?", And I think: "Can we dine elsewhere? There are three outputs. "

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