Video: Gal Gadote laughs and fools with colleagues in a selection of unsuccessful doubles "Wonder Women: 1984"


On the official YouTube Channel Studio Warner Bros. A six-minute roller with unsuccessful doubles "Wonder Women: 1984" appeared. Within the framework of the video, many funny fragments were shown - the cast on them and the team are wonderful time, carelessly laugh and fool. Now the picture is preparing for exit on media, so that the materials shown will necessarily enter the Blu-Ray release.

Despite the spiritual atmosphere on the set, many Western critics and viewers did not arrange the final result, so the Sicvel audience accepted significantly colder than the original 2017. The blockbuster came out along a hybrid release model for the New Year holidays, but because of the coronavirus pandemic, a film with billionth cash potential was able to earn in a film distribution in the overall standings only $ 164 million, but this did not prevent the filmmix to become the main hit views on the HBO Max streaming service.

Studio Warner Bros. Already officially announced the third part, in the framework of which the director Patty Jenkins will come back with Galot. There is no date of release at the trickle yet, but it is still not worth counting on the ambulance premiere, because in the nearest creative plans of the producer there is a blockbuster on the Space Saga SugaSfilm "Socadron of Roguez" and the historical epic Paramount "Cleopatra", in which it will be united again with Gadot.

The brave princess of Amazons can be seen already tomorrow with the premiere of the director's version of the "League of justice" Zack Snidder.

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