Star "Mandalortz" Pedro Pascal supported brother who has changed the floor


Pedro Pascal supported his 28-year-old Brother Lucas, who recently declared himself a transgender woman. The actor has published on the Instagram page of Ya magazine cover with a photo of the Lucas moving and wrote: "My sister, my heart. Our Lax. "

In an interview, said Laks magazine for the first time told about his transgender transition. She admitted that from July last year the hormonal therapy began. "My transition has become for my close-looking quite natural steps. In principle, I expected all this, "said Sister Pascal.

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According to her, the famous brother became an "important part" of its transformation. "He is an artist, and has become a kind of conductor for me. He was one of the first who gave me the tools for the formation of his own identity, "said Lax in an interview. She noted that he had previously considered himself a non-biotherapist, but over time I understood that it could determine myself as a woman. "In this world, it is easier for me to be a woman. But I still support nebarin people and speaking for what they should have a place in our society, "Shared Sister Pascal.

Lax also noted that he was inspired by her brother and decided to go on his footsteps: now she is learning acting skills in the Juladsk school in New York.

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