Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner laugh again above us?


No and no again. Information appeared that on the upcoming Oscar ceremony, Robert Pattinson plans to draw up a company of his partner on the film "Water Elephants" Reese Witherspoon, and Taylor Lautner plans to come to the handle with Kristen Stewart for the official event. It seems that only Lily Collins remained in this situation, although who prevents her to come to the 83rd Cypremia "Oscar" in a company, for example, Christopa Valts (playing spouse Reese Witherspoon in the film "Water Elephants", but better known to all A bad guy from "Inchlastic bastard"), or Jason Isaacs (playing a bad guy in the "abduction", but the most famous for all of the Lucius Malfoy from Ptteriana) - In the end, the young actress can come with his dad - the favorite British musician filler Collins!

In any case, the ceremony promises to be hot and cheerful. The leading will be James Franco and Ann Hattay, to represent the nominations will be Kate Blanchett, Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hanks, Marisa Tome, Annette Bening, Robert Downey Ml., Jude Low, and others.

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