Kristen, smile finally. You meet with Robert Pattinson!


Nevertheless, it seems that she is simply unable to smile. As we wrote, a 20-year-old actress was seen in the Japanese restaurant with Robert Pattinson with his usual sullen on his face and an eternal cigarette in his hand.

Next to Robert, she feels great, as she does not need to worry about outfits and make-up, enough gray balaphon and unwashed hair, who hang her face. Pattinson was as always kind and smile, but Stuart, looking at his friend, could not make the same, but only puffed him a cigarette in his face. A couple of dinner, and then hurried to the expected car and rushed at night.

She has an enviable career, such a boyfriend and a bank account, many would have killed for it, and Stewart only complains about their privileged status, comparing his life with the life of Edward Callen. "Edward actually refers to glory in parallel. As a vampire, he is always sad, he has a lonely life, fame is the same. There is nothing good in the life of celebrities. I'm an actress. It is strange for me that everything is so intrusive. I do not want to be a movie star like Angelina Jolie. "

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