Kristen Stewart learns to be mom on books


But Kristen not only should become a vampire.

She will also play the role of Mom for his half-haired daughter.

"Fortunately, the book is written very well. Although I have no opportunity to prepare for this, but I think that what is written in the book is all that I need. She told.

If you believe that Bella will become a vampire, it is not difficult for her maternity role. And the point is not even that Kristen is not suitable for some reasons.

Just an actress will deal with a not quite ordinary child.

"This is very unique and unusual," she explained - "So I think I will navigate the books."

Stefani Meyer described in detail in the book all the details of birth, as well as early childhood revenue and half-hapleyr Renesmi, which will play 9-year-old Mackenzie Foy.

Kristen will still have time to meet face to face with a young actress, but she is already glad to meet the girl who directed Bill Condon identified as a port of Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

I hope Kristen and Mackenzie will manage to establish a special connection of the mother and daughter on the site, which will allow them to play most convincing.

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