Seth ROGEN denied the words about the unprofessionalism Emma Watson on the set


The other day in GQ Magazine was interviewed with director, actor and screenwriter by a network of ROGEN. In him, among other things, he touched upon the incident that occurred on the filming of the horror comedy "End of the World 2013: Apocalypse in Hollywood". The director told how the actress Emma Watson left the shooting platform, refusing to take off in one of the scenes, which caused a large resonance in media space.

After that, ROGEN hurried to clarify that he did not accuse the actress in unprofessionalism at all, on the contrary, he believes that the fault in the current situation lies more on it itself. In his account in Twitter, cinematographer wrote that his words were incorrectly interpreted. Watson did not at all "stormed the film crew", and the refusal to be removed was caused by the fact that the scene was smittered by the creators of the film and was significantly different from the one on which the artist agreed initially.

"The scene was not the same as it was originally written, she was simpled, radically changed, and it was not what she [Watson] agreed. Stories that she was in some sense of non-commodity or unprofessional - complete nonsense. I definitely had to communicate better, and because I didn't do it, she was in an uncomfortable position, "Rogen wrote.

Recall, Horror "The End of Light 2013: The Apocalypse of Hollywood" with the participation of a number of large stars playing themselves, came out in 2013. With a rather modest budget in the amount of $ 32 million, a trash comedy was able to earn $ 126 million at row.

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