Top 5 rumors about Kristen Stewart


1. Breathe exactly, Kristen Stewart is alive and healthy. Allegedly "Global Associated News" reported that Kristen Stewart got a car accident and is in the hospital. Gossip Cop condemns such ducks in the network, Kristen Stewart - the cummy of adolescents, and the teenagers are peculiar to the spontaneity and rapid decisions. You can not injure the teenage psyche.

2. Set aside a voodoo doll with needles or scarves, Kristen Stewart does not marry Robert Pattinson. How much can you caring this topic? They officially do not even meet, officially they are just friends. If anyone does not suit the official version, it can be said differently: both are officially lonely / idle / free and do not meet with anyone. Kristen Stewart a long time ago was tired of commenting on his relationships and on any questions regarding the nature of close relations with a colleague in Twilight Saga Robert Pattinson, answers "no comment."

3. Do not secession, Kristen Stewart was not at the festival with the former. In the Twittor began to appear information from various witnesses who saw Kristen Stewart and Michael Angarano standing together during Coachella. First, Kristen Stewart was at the festival with elder brother Cameron, he called her. Secondly, Michael Angarano was there, but with another company. Like thousands of people around. Naturally, three of them did not shake apart from each other, the elder brother and he is the best friends, and more with each other former relations. Kristen Stewart and Michael Angarano are crossed for the first time, it is not clear to this allegedly the secret meeting of the two formerly behind Robert Pattinson. Regarding R. Pattinson, see №2, there can be no complaints about Stuart and Angarano: Kristen Stewart, like Robert Pattinson officially in the status of "bacheloy".

4. Take the pending shawls in the hands, Kristen Stewart with Dakota Fanning is not going to Australia. DOWN Under With a reference to a source from the organizers of Sydney Film Festival, wrote that the supposedly two stars "Ranweaveis" Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning will be lucky with the film "Rasterweiss" on the Sydney Film Festival in June. The fact that the film "Rasterweiss" will be shown in Sydney as part of the film festival, confirmed. The fact of the presence of Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, no.

5. Kristen Stewart is not going to conquer Bollywood. Already not to find a first-source who and when wrote, and everyone picked up that Kristen Stewart will take off in the Indian film "Paani" with Ritika Roshan. Representative of the actress denied and this information. And sorry, Roshan Roshan is very sexy. How many new rumors and gossip was, and then the same thing - boring and tediously refutable - you feel a parrot!

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