Tom Felton called "ugly" because of the husky in support of Joan Rowling


The star "Harry Potter" Tom Felton brought upon himself anger of users, supporting Joan Rowling. Recall, Joan is accused of transfobia since the summer when she expressed her position regarding Transgender: the writer does not support the idea of ​​equating transgender women to biological.

Someone from dissatisfied users advised her to "talk to representatives of sexual minorities" before speak on similar topics. And Joan talked. The lesbian girlfriend supported the opinion of Rowling, as the writer reported in his Twitter. Tom Felton Likeed Joan's post and after that he became a victim of Internet trauma.

Tom Felton called

The actors were dubbed ugly. A number of users discuss how "the aged" looks like Felton in their 33 years, and compares it with other actors of his age or older. "He is so terrible, it looks like not in the years and instead of a hair gel uses Vaseline," "I remind you: Tom Felton is still a transfobous piece of shit," "It's good that everyone has been recognized now that Tom Felton is ugly," users express. Insults in the address of Tom fell even more actively when he took off his like with Joan's publication. While the actor did not comment on this situation.

Fortunately, Felton has an army of fans, who loves him for execution of the role of Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. They support the actor. By the way, Tom recently said that she was preparing a surprise for Harry Potter fans. He noted that on November 14 plans to reunite his colleagues for the online celebration of the 19-year anniversary of the release of the first film about young wizards.

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