Britney Spears is flattered by sympathy and caring fans


Today Britney Spears once again puzzled subscribers in Instagram new publication. The singer posted a video in which he poses in front of the camera in his garden, dressed in a gentle top with flowers, and accompanied the post of message: "This video was shot for Just A Touch of Rose last year ... these are special dups that no one before I saw, so for me they are also new. There is another 10-minute version of the video for the Rose project - believe me, it's a lot. "

Next, Britney commented on the concerns of the fans of its condition: "It is so nice to share with the world, which is so sensitive to me and is concerned about my life ... what to say, I ample! Ahead of another beautiful summer with ice cream and sunbathing. "

Here the fans of Spears have a lot of questions. First, no one can understand what the Touch of Rose is talking about the singer, what he is, whether he is connected with the same non-clear project Red, which Britney spoke a couple of weeks ago.

Secondly, the fans were surprised by the words of Britney that "no one saw this ducky": Spears has already laid out photographs made in the same place in the same clothes and from the same angle. Probably, it was even the same shooting.

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"I am alone I do not understand what is this Touch of Rose?" - asked a question in the comments of the stars of the fan. Many answered her that they also do not understand what Britney was talking about. Other users with sarcasm noted the "originality" of the new video of the singer. Also, many traditionally expressed doubt that Britney herself wrote this post.

Interestingly, among the subscribers, the Spears page appeared those who believe that Britney is no longer alive. Replies to their questions did not receive the singer's fans.

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