Pete Davidson from the "Suicide Two Detachment" ridiculed the author "Harry Potter" for transfobia


This time the writer criticized the 26-year-old comedian Pete Davidson. In the Saturday Night Live show, he made a monologue, in which he supported Transgender.

I am still at times when the worst that Joan did, there were films "Fantastic Creatures." There was no discrimination - he hurt everyone and equally. What's wrong with her? She created a semitomic fantastic work about all possible mythical beings that live in harmony with wizards and elves, but cannot accept the lanver coke [actress, which made the transgender transition]? She is a national heritage,

- Pit spoke.

Then summed up:

I have a tattoo on the "Game of Thrones", and I worry, suddenly George Martin will say: "Hey, if you liked that I am talking about dragons and wolves, wait, I'll tell you what I think about Puertoricans." At what crazy time we live! How unfair.

The scandal around Rowling began in the summer when she expressed her position about the transgender women, and aggravated in the fall, when The Telegraph review was released on her last Blood Blood Book (Troubled Blood). The review said that the book appears the serial killer-transvestite. The author of the article noted:

I wonder what they will do with the book criticism of the Rowling position, because the moral book seems to be: never trust a man in a dress.

After that, the cruel hashneg #Ripjkrowling (REST in Peace - "Rest with the world" appeared in social networks.

Pete Davidson from the

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