Kristen Stewart struck the Koreans


And it does not matter, at least for Koreans, because in the past year in Summit noted that more than in the US and England, the twilight franchise and its stars adore in Asian countries. Just home.

But we, third-party observers, trying to be categorically objective, are forced to admit, Stewart, more often preferring a fatal style, A-la Her heroine Joan Jett may, if he wants, looks murderous: and not deadly boring or gloomy, but killerly gorgeous. Bravo her stylists: horse tail, bright make-up, dress with strap and shoes, all the topic and together came to "5 +". Especially compared to the daily press conference, on which Stewart looked at the diligent schoolgirl. It is a pity, Robert Pattinson cannot appreciate how good it was at the evening meeting with fans and journalists, his official only friend in vampire saga and unofficial beloved Kristen Stewart. It is worth noting the same way that Taylor Lotter classic suit with classic shoes is even greater than its familiar set: a tidy jacket + jeans with a T-shirt + sneakers.

Lautner with Stewart handed out autographs at the evening official meeting with the fans, answered the questions of the lead, posed to photographers. The leaders presented them T-shirts "Legends of Korea." The mood has broken off for "excellent." Korean Seoul will long leave all this twilight turmoil.

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