Test for the most attentive: how well do you distinguish colors?


Do you notice how color the world around you? Do you see the difference between shades or your life is painted only by seven colors? In total, the human eye is able to recognize ten million colors and about hundreds of shades. But each evaluates the saturation and brightness of life in different ways.

For example, men distinguish much less shades than women. And they are absolutely still red on the girl dress or scarlet. And this is normal. And it happens that someone sees objects in absolutely normal paints, but does not notice some one.

And the reason lies not so much in the sharpness of the view and the structure of the eye, as in the specifics of the brain, which individually processes the information. The way you perceive one or another color also depends on the emotional state.

We have prepared a test for you, which will appreciate the ability of your color perception. Rules are simple. We show you a number of objects, among which you need to choose differently on the shade.

Get ready, some colors can only distinguish an expert!

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