Kelly Clarkson dreams of a daughter


In an interview with the magazine Parade Kelly told about how she imagines her motherhood. "My eggs do not become younger," said 31-year-old singer. "Therefore, we immediately began to try to make a child." I will have only a girl. Officially, this declare. And when my daughter is born, you will say: "She knew!"

Kelly admitted that because of the early divorce of parents does not quite represent, what to live in a full family: "I can not say that he has grown in the present family environment. So I do not quite understand what it is. And I do not know how to behave correctly. "

However, Clarkson hopes to help her husband, who already has two children from previous relations: "There is a man next to me, who experienced fatherhood experience. And it helps it very much. I'm already telling him now that he must calm me. I constantly think whether our children did not get sick, suddenly they scream because they had something stuck in her throat ... I absolutely definitely I would panic my mother, I already understood it. But it normal".

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