What they write about the new pair Jennifer Aniston and Justin Tera


"That's fine. I went to the ruiner, now let her be fade away. It is extremely great to see Aniston with a stigma of the rainbits," according to the source, Angelina Jolie is in a family circle, - "Well, and who is now the kidnapper of other people?!"

But the new issue of the journal O'K, with reference to a close source from the family circle of Justin Tera, opens some details of the current relations of Aniston and its current boyfriend: "They found happiness in each other. They deserve it. Although they are unpleasant that some yellow The publications allowed to mix their love with mud. With his former Justin broke up earlier than began to meet with Jennifer. And although they only recently, he is going to make her proposal soon. "

And US Weekly argue that Aniston-Taki stole her man from another. "Who with whom when he broke up, and when it came down, the thing is dark. But one thing is clear, the man does not leave after 14 years of relations to the Essayd. The previous relationship among Justin Theer lasted for almost 14 years, of which he lived with his beloved together, so They were almost husband and wife. Only without oaths. And then they are suddenly parted by mutual agreement. Although everyone thought, when they finally get married and head their children? .. And after a short time, he was seen already in an embrace with Jennifer Aniston. And after another Anniston's short time and the teer are already going down and go with the same rings. Who then will it believe that an aniston is not in doing? Angelina Jolie is also sure that Aniston went to her feet and stole her beloved in another! "

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