Angelina Jolie against schools


Angie believes that the education system is so bad that her children are better to stay at home. In her opinion, their bohemian-nomadic lifestyle will give children more education than the modern school system.

Jolie prefers to hire teachers who will come home to them and do with children.

"I think we live in another century when the education system does not correspond to the development of our children and our lifestyle," says the actress. - But we travel a lot, and I am first telling my children: "Make your lessons faster and go to open something new. Instead of fooling around in the classroom, I better go with them to the museum, to play the guitar or read the book they love. "

Brad Pitt shares the opinion of his civilian spouse about the imperfection of school education and calls their family "nomad".

However, despite the fact that the family does not live for a long time in one place, their children can attend school in almost any developed country, due to the fact that they are in the international program of the French education system, which allows them to go to any branch of the school and continue with Places where they stopped last time.

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