Brad Pitt's parents move to live to her son and Angelina Jolie


One source told the Sun newspaper: "The whole family is going to move there as soon as the repair is over. At the moment they have six nanny - one for each child - they want to reduce the number of assistants and rely on Bill and Jane. " For parents, an old building will be repaired, in which there was a pigeon before. "It is enough to make a living room there, a kitchen and two bedrooms. It will be an excellent cottage for them. "

Brad and Angelina, as they say, asked Bill and Jane to move towards them to give children more stable life, instead of traveling for months with them.

"They no longer want to carry them around the world. Brad loves tradition, he wants to put roots to make children with friends and went to the same school, and not constantly moved. "

They want to leave Hollywood for a while. Angelina seems like her film colleague tourist Johnny Depp, who lives with his family in France, decided to build his family nest in Europe.

"Johnny said that if they want a normal life, he must leave Los Angeles. They all agreed that it was time to fully focus on raising children. They have a lot of money and they want to simply relax and enjoy life. "

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